
Heliocentric Trajectories for Selected Spacecraft, Planets, and Comets
The original trajectory data are taken from https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/ where users can find many more objects.

*About using this interface
* How to get data from command line
*Description of coordinate systems
*Trajectory data books of 1986, 1991, 1997
* Geocentric orbits from SSCWeb

List of Heliospheric Objects and their time spans available

ARTEMIS-P1              2007  050 - 2024  332  New Horizons       2006  020 - 2025  365
ARTEMIS-P2              2007  050 - 2024  332  Parker Solar Probe 2018  225 - 2029  031
BepiColombo             2018  294 - 2027  072  PIONEER 10         1972  063 - 2029  365                                         
CASSINI                 1997  289 - 2017  257  PIONEER 11         1973  096 - 2049  365
DAWN                    2007  271 - 2018  303  PHOBOS 2           1988  195 - 1989  030
EARTH(IMP8,Moon,etc *)  1965  001 - 2030  365  PLUTO              1965  001 - 2030  365
GALILEO                 1989  293 - 2003  273  PSYCHE             2023  287 - 2031  304
GIOTTO                  1992  001 - 1992  366  Rosetta            2004  063 - 2016  366 
HELIOS 1                1974  345 - 1985  365  SAKIGAKE           1985  021 - 1997  365 
HELIOS 2                1976  001 - 1985  365  SATURN             1965  001 - 2030  365 
ICE                     1984  001 - 1999  365  SOHO               1995  337 - 2024  364 
JUNO                    2011  218 - 2025  293  Solar Orbiter      2020  042 - 2030  321
JUICE                   2023  105 - 2031  201  STEREO-A           2006  300 - 2025  050 
JUPITER                 1965  001 - 2030  365  STEREO-B           2006  300 - 2024  299
MARS                    1965  001 - 2030  365  SUISEI             1989  001 - 1999  365
MARS SCIENCE LAB.       2011  331 - 2012  219  ULYSSES            1990  280 - 2049  365 
MAVEN                   2013  323 - 2030  365  URANUS             1965  001 - 2030  365
MERCURY                 1965  001 - 2030  365  VENUS (PVO *)      1965  001 - 2030  365
MESSENGER               2004  217 - 2015  121  VOYAGER 1          1977  249 - 2099  365
NEPTUNE                 1965  001 - 2030  365  VOYAGER 2          1977  233 - 2099  365                                         

COMET Grigg-Skjellerup  1984  001 - 2020  366 COMET BORRELLY         1996  001 - 2020  366  
COMET H-M-P             1996  001 - 2030  365 COMET WILD 2           1995  001 - 2020  366  
COMET HALE-BOPP         1996  001 - 2018  365 COMET HYAKUTAKE        1995  001 - 2020  366  
COMET HALLEY            1984  001 - 2020  365 COMET GIACOBINI-ZINNER 1984  001 - 2020  366 
*Orbit data are for the planets and not specifically for the spacecraft in orbit about the planets. On a heliospheric scale, differences are very small. For instance, the heliocentric longitudes of an L1 spacecraft at Ygse = 100 Re and the Earth differ by only 0.25 degrees

Please Click and Fill the Form below, then Submit Query to request parameters

Select an activity
List data Create file Time series plot XYZ-trajectoies( plot, listing)

Name of main S/C or object:

Output coordinate system:

Start year: Start day: Stop year: Stop day:

Optional: Name of additional S/C or object 2*:
*In this case the difference of between coordinates of main and additional objects will be calculated

Output data will be calculated for Equinox Epoch: "Mean of date"

More precise coordinates, and some planet-centered coordinates, are found in the "traj" subdirectories
of spacecraft-specific directories at https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/ and https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/horizons/app.html#/
If you have any question/comments about WWW access to the ephemerides data,
contact: Dr. Natalia Papitashvili, E-mail:Natalia.E.Papitashvili@nasa.gov,
Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Spaceflight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Dr. Robert McGuire, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility