How to use main script of COHOWeb from command line In order to access COHOeb data for a moderately large number of cases/runs, it may be convenient to use command lines rather than COHOWeb Browser interactive interfaces because that command line can be placed in an external loop to gain the ability to automatically change any combination of parameter values. Below are two examples of how to get numeric data using command lines which include all needed parameter names and their values. Parameter values are those used as default values in the COHOWeb page at, while parameter names are obtained from the source code version of this page. ------------------------------------------------------ Example how to get COHOWeb data using wget and curl methods on UNIX environment (with default parameters as chosen at ) -------------------------------------------------- For curl command: >curl -d "activity=retrieve&res=hour&spacecraft=stereoa&res=hour&start_date=20190101&end_date=20190331&vars=09&vars=10&scale=Linear&ymin=&ymax=&charsize=&symsize=0.5&symbol=0&imagex=640&imagey=480" > test_curl.txt Requested data will be saved at "test_curl.txt" file For wget command: >wget --post-data "activity=retrieve&res=hour&spacecraft=stereoa&res=hour&start_date=20190101&end_date=20190331&vars=09&vars=10&scale=Linear&ymin=&ymax=&charsize=&symsize=0.5&symbol=0&imagex=640&imagey=480" -O test_wget.txt Requested data will be saved at "test_wget.txt" file --------------------------------------------------------------------