Altitude [km] Latitude [degree] Longitude [degree]
Local time [hour] Local Magnetic Time [hour]
L-shell parameter [Re] Magnetic inclination [degree]
Solar zenith angle [degree] Orbit number
Bennett Ion Mass Spectrometer (BIMS)
H+ [cm-3 ] He+ [cm-3 ]
N+ [cm-3 ] O+ [cm-3 ]
N2 + [cm-3 ] NO+ [cm-3 ]
O2 + [cm-3 ] Total ion density [cm-3 ]
Special ion #2 [cm-3 ] Fe+ [cm-3 ]
Cylindrical Electrostatic Probe (CEP)
Electron temperature [K] Total ion density [cm-3 ]
Spacecraft potential [V] Mean ion mass [AMU]
Low-Energy Electron Spectrometer (LEE)
Electron total energy flux [ergs/(cm2 s sr)] Electron characteristic density [cm-3 ]
Electron characteristic energy [keV] Electron correlation coefficient
Proton total energy flux [ergs/(cm2 s sr] Proton characteristic density [cm-3 ]
Proton characteristic energy [keV] Proton correlation coefficient
Miniature Electrostatic Accelerometer (MESA)
Neutral density [g/cm3 ] Traverse wind component [m/s]
Magnetic Ion Mass Spectrometer (MIMS)
H+ [cm--3 ] D+ [cm-3 ]
He+ [cm-3 ] O++ [cm-3 ]
N+ [cm-3 ] O+ [cm-3 ]
Mg+ [cm-3 ] N2 + [cm-3 ]
NO+ [cm-3 ] O2 + [cm-3 ]
Neutral Atmosphere Composition Experiment (NACE)
N2 [cm-3 ] O [cm-3 ]
He [cm-3 ] Ar [cm-3 ]
NO [cm-3 ] Total Oxygen [cm-3 ]
Neutral Atmosphere Temperature Experiment (NATE)
Neutral temperature [K] N2 [cm-3 ]
Total Oxygen (O+2*O2 ) [cm-3 ] He [cm-3 ]
Ar [cm-3 ] Vertical wind (+ upward) [m/s]
Open-Source Neutral Mass Spectrometer (OSS)
N2 [cm-3 ] O2 [cm-3 ]
He [cm-3 ] O [cm-3 ]
Ar [cm-3 ] Special (O/2+O2 ) [cm-3 ]
N [cm-3 ]
PhotoElectron Spectrometer (PES)
Flux 2-3 eV [1/(cm2 eV s sr)] Flux 7-9 eV [1/(cm2 eV s sr)]
Flux 12-17 eV [1/(cm2 eV s sr)] Flux 25-30 eV [1/(cm2 eV s sr)]
Flux 37-47 eV [1/(cm2 eV s sr)] Flux 100-500 eV [1/(cm2 eV s sr)]
Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA)
Ion temperature [K] Total ion density (Ni) [cm-3 ]
Ion drift normal to RPA (VD) [m/s] Spacecraft Potential [V]
Transverse vertical ion drift (VD=0) [m/s] Transv. horizontal ion drift (VD=0) [m/s]
SIGMA (Delta Ni)/Ni
Additional parameter #2
Additional parameter #2
Ultraviolet Nitric Oxide Spectrometer (UVNO)
NO scale height [km] NO density [cm-3 ]
NO density at 150 KM Maximum NO density [cm-3 ]
Altitude of NO maximum [km]
Visible Airglow Experiment (VAE)
CH1: up; CH2: 3371 A [Rayleighs] CH1: down; CH2: 4278 A [Rayleighs]
CH1: back; CH2: 5200 A [Rayleighs] CH1: forward; CH2: 5577 A [Rayleighs]
CH2: up; CH2: 6300 A [Rayleighs] CH2: down; CH2: 7319 A [Rayleighs]