Magnetopause Browser

Scatter Plots for Magnetopause Parameters
This interface enables users to generate scatter plots of any one of a subset of the parameters in the bow shock database against any other parameter of the subset, for only that subset of crossings in which the values of any user-specified combination of parameters satisfy user-specified numeric ranges.

An obvious application is to plot the (X,Y) values of the crossings for selected ranges of Z and any other parameters (e.g., flow pressure).

Descriptions of all the words are available from the main magnetopause page.

Please enter your selections and then click on the Submit button below.

     Scatter plot     List Numeric data

Select Spacecraft
AMPTE CCE (A1)  [1984-1986,1988]
AMPTE IRM (A2)  [1984 - 1986]
Explorer33 (E3)  [1966-1968]
Geotail (GE)  [1992-1994]
Hawkeye (HW)  [1974-1977]
HEOS2 (H2)  [1972-1973]
IMP1 (I1)  [1963-1964]
IMP2 (I2)  [1964]
IMP3 (I3)  [1965-1966]
IMP4 (I4)  [1967-1968]
IMP6 (I6)  [1971-1974]
IMP8 (I8)  [1973-75,1977-79]
ISEE (IS)  [1977-1979]
OGO-5 (O5)  [1968-1969]
Prognoz7 (P7)  [1978-1979]
Prognoz8 (P8)  [1981]
Prognoz10 (P1)  [1985]

* Enter start and stop dates(Use yyyyddd or yyyymmdd)
  1    Start      Stop                          

*Select variables
[Use boxes to specify range for any parameter(s).]
Name X/Y axes Format Optional values:
Low    High
Magnetopause crossing location
6. Xgse X Y F7.2   
7. Ygse X Y F7.2   
8. Zgse X Y F7.2   
9. Ygsm X Y F7.2   
10. Zgsm X Y F6.1   
Upstream parameters
11. |B|-scalar X Y F6.1   
12. Bt X Y F6.1   
13. Bxgse X Y F6.1   
14. Bygse X Y F6.1   
15. Bzgse X Y F6.1   
16. Bygsm X Y F6.1   
17. Bzgsm X Y F6.1   
18. Speed X Y F7.1   
19. -Vxgse X Y F7.1   
20. -Vygse X Y F7.1   
21. -Vzgse X Y F7.1   
22. Temperature X Y F9.0   
23. Upstream density X Y F6.1   
24.Flow pressure X Y F6.2   
25. Ey - Electric Field X Y F7.2   
26.Plasma Beta X Y F8.2   
27. Alfven speed X Y F7.1   
28. Sound speed X Y F7.1   
29. M'sonic speed X Y F7.1   
30. Alfven Mach # X Y F6.1   
31. Sonic Mach # X Y F5.1   
32. M'sonic Mach # X Y F5.1   
33. IMF cone angle X Y I4   
34. IMF clock angle X Y I4   
35. Kp-index X Y I3   
36. R (Sunspot No) X Y I4   
37. Dst- index X Y I6   
38. Ae-index X Y I5   

*Advanced plot selections (optional)
View Mode: Character size(0.5-2.0):
Image size (pixels): X: Y: Symbol Size(0.1-4.0):

SPDF > FTPBrowser > Magnetopause DB

If you have questions about magnetopause data base, contact:Dr. Mona R. Kessel. If you have any questions about this service, contact: Dr. Natalia Papitashvili, Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Robert Candey (, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility