OMNIWeb Plus Browser
Interface to produce plots, listings or output files
Daily Average Interplanetary Cosmic Ray (and 3 Dec 1974 and 1 Sep 1979 Planetary Encounter) Data from the Pioneer 11 Geiger Tube Telescope (GTT) Experiment of U. Iowa

The single ASCII file of this data set, and extensive documentation, may be accessed here

Time span: 1973-04-07 to 1995-01-20

Please enter your selections and then click on the Submit button.

Select an activity
    Plot data List data Create file (file?)

Enter start and stop dates: year,month,day(YYYYMMDD) or year,day_of_year(YYYYDOY)
   Start time    Stop time

Select variables/parameters

Electrons >Protons, 0.61-3.41 MeV (G rates)
Electrons >40 keV plus Protons >0.61 MeV (A )
Electrons >0.56 MeV plus Protons >9 MeV (B)
Protons, 0.61-3.41 MeV (G)
Electrons >Electrons >21 MeV plus Protons >130 MeV (AB)
Electrons >21 MeV plus Protons >130 MeV (ABC)
Electrons >21 MeV plus Protons >80 MeV (C)
Electrons >31 MeV plus Protons >80 MeV (D)
Electrons >21 MeV plus Protons >130 MeV (ABC)
Electrons >31 MeV plus Protons >150 MeV (DEF)
Protons, 0.61-3.41 MeV (G+G)
Electrons >21 MeV plus Protons >130 MeV(ABC+ABC)
Sun-spacecraft distance (AU)
SE longitude of spacecraft (deg.)
SE latitude of spacecraft (deg.)

*Advanced plot selections (optional)
Y-axis Scale: Character size(0.5-2.0):
Plot Symbol: Symbol Size(0.1-4.0): Image size (pixels) X: Y:

If you have any questions/comments about the OMNWeb Plus, contact Dr. Natalia Papitashvili,Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Robert Candey (, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility