OMNIWeb Plus Browser
Interface to produce plots, listings or output files
Scatter plot for definitive 1-hr res. Fluxes from SOHO ERNE Experiment

Original 1-min data source at
Only arithmetic averaging was done for calculating of hourly data . (No averaging of logarithms and No threshold numbers of finer scale points.) We believe, these data will be useful for looking at large solar disturbances near Earth.

Time span: 1996-05-07 - 2025-03-23

Please enter your selections and then click on the Submit button.

    Scatter plot/regression fit (max # points = 30000)     List data

Enter start and stop dates: year,month,day(YYYYMMDD) or year,day_of_year(YYYYDOY)
   Start time    Stop time

*Select X and Y variables
Fluxes are given in 1/(sec-cm**2-ster-MeV/n );
Select X and Y variables   bins arein MeV/n
1.3- 1.6 X   Y
1.6- 2.0 X   Y
2.0- 2.5 X   Y
2.5- 3.2 X   Y
3.2- 4.0 X   Y
4.0- 5.0 X   Y
5.0- 6.4 X   Y
6.4- 8.0 X   Y
8.0- 10. X   Y
10.- 13. X   Y
13- 16 X   Y
16- 20 X   Y
20- 25 X   Y
25- 32 X   Y
32- 40 X   Y
40- 50 X   Y
50- 64 X   Y
64- 80 X   Y
80- 100 X   Y
100- 130 X   Y
1.3- 1.6 X   Y
1.6- 2.0 X   Y
2.0- 2.5 X   Y
2.5- 3.2 X   Y
3.2- 4.0 X   Y
4.0- 5.0 X   Y
5.0- 6.4 X   Y
6.4- 8.0 X   Y
8.0- 10. X   Y
10.- 13. X   Y
13- 16 X   Y
16- 20 X   Y
20- 25 X   Y
25- 32 X   Y
32- 40 X   Y
40- 50 X   Y
50- 64 X   Y
64- 80 X   Y
80- 100 X   Y
100- 130 X   Y

* Select the fitting method
    No fitting     Delta-Y method(N<30000)

*Advanced plot selections (optional)
X-axes type: Y-axes type:
Character size (0.5-2.0):
Plot symbol: Symbol size (0.1-4.0):
Image size (pixels): X: Y: Connect style:

If you have any questions/comments about the OMNWeb Plus, contact Dr. Natalia Papitashvili,Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Robert Candey (, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility