OMNIWeb Plus Browser
Interface to produce plots, listings or output files
STEREO-B hourly e,H, fluxes ratio
Data are from the STEREO-A IMPACT High Energy Telescope (HET) experiment.
Each record contains 1-hour averaged fluxes of electrons and protons in
the energy channels shown below. and the Poisson uncertainties [Flux/SQRT(N)] in
these fluxes.
The monthly files of this ASCII data set may be accessed from
Time span: 2006-12-01 - 2014-09-27
If you have any questions/comments about the OMNWeb Plus, contact
Dr. Natalia Papitashvili,Mail Code 672,
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Robert Candey (, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility