OMNIWeb Plus Browser
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Merged 1-min and hourly Magnetic Field and Plasma Data from Wind for Solar Wind only

This data set was created at GSFC/SPDF, using as input both 15-s MFI magnetic field data, 92-s Wind_plasma_SWE_definitive, 92-s Wind_plasma_SWE_KP (key parameter, and Wind_plasma_3DP parameters. All of them for solar wind intervals only.
Click HERE for discussion of interpolations used to get 1-min plasma values from 92-sec values.
More information about Wind Plasma SWE_Kp, SWE_definitive and plasma 3DP user may find at and under spacecraft "Wind".
Later we calculated hourly data made from 1-min data and added that data at this Interface.

   Mag. data    1995-01-01 - 2025-02-07
   Plasma def.  1995-01-01 - 2024-12-27
   Plasma KP    1995-01-01 - 2025-02-17
   Plasma 3DP   1995-01-01 - 2025-01-08
Please enter your selections and then click on the Submit button.
     Plot data List data Create file (file?)

*Select resolution
     Min. averaged Hourly averaged

* Enter start and stop times: (use format YYYYMMDD for both hourly/min, or YYYYMMDDHH for min only )
Start Stop

*Select variables
Magnetic field
No. of mag points
B Field Magnitude, nT
Vector B Magnitude, nT

BY, nT (GSE)
BZ, nT (GSE)
BY, nT (GSM)
BZ, nT (GSM)
RMS (Scalar B), nT
RMS (Field vector), nT
RMS Bx, nT (GSE), nT
RMS By, nT (GSE), nT
RMS Bz, nT (GSE), nT
Plasma_definitive Plasma_KP Plasma_3DP
No. of plasma points No. of plasma points No. of plasma points
Flow Speed, km/s Flow Speed, km/s Flow Speed, km/s
Vx Velocity, GSE, km/s Vx Velocity, GSE, km/s Vx Velocity, GSE, km/s
Vy Velocity, GSE, km/s Vy Velocity, GSE, km/s Vy Velocity, GSE, km/s
Vz Velocity, GSE, km/s Vz Velocity, GSE, km/s Vz Velocity, GSE, km/s
Proton Density, n/cc Proton Density, n/cc Proton Density, n/cc
Proton Temperature, K Proton Temperature, K Proton Temperature, K
Na/Np Ratio No Na/Np Ratio Na/Np Ratio
Spacecraft Position
X, GSE (Re)
Y, GSE (Re)
Z, GSE (Re)

*Advanced plot selections (optional)

  If you select three variables in one row and check box: these three variables will be shown on one panel
    (in case to compare parameters: SWE_def. , SWE_KP and 3DP plasma data ( see default sample)

Y-axis Scale: Character size(0.5-2.0):
Plot Symbol: Symbol Size(0.1-4.0): Image size (pixels) X: Y:

If you have any questions/comments about the OMNWeb Plus, contact Dr. Natalia Papitashvili,Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Robert Candey (, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility