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Solar Wind Shifted to the Earth Merged Wind hourly SWE definitive Plasma and 3DP plasma parameters ( non normalized to SWE)

This Hourly "Near-Earth" Solar Wind plasma merged data set was created at GSFC/SPDF for comparison of two plasma Instuments sitting on Wind spacecraft.
This Interface may be usefull for calculating derived parameters (that initually were included in OMNI2 ) taking into account 3DP parameters of Protons and Alpha particles where there are no these SWE parameters .
For this Interface we added plot option that provides more easier way to compare one type of parameters ( e.g. Speed, or Density, or.., etc) from different sources with each others ( up to four plotting at one panel), see below.

More information about SWE_definitive and plasma 3DP user may find at and under spacecraft "Wind".

   Plasma SWE definitive 1995-01-01 - 2024-12-27
   Plasma 3DP            1995-01-01 - 2024-12-31
Please enter your selections and then click on the Submit button.
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*Select resolution

* Enter start and stop times: (use format YYYYMMDD )
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SWE_definitive Proton parameters
No. of points in hour. aver.
Flow Speed, km/s
Flow asimuth, deg.
Flow elevation, deg.
Density, N/cm^3
Temperature, K
Density Alpha/Prot. ratio
sigma-Speed, km/s
sigma-asimuth, deg.
sigma-elevation, deg.
sigma-Density, N/cm^3
sigma-Temperature, K
sigma_Density Alpha/Prot. ratio
SWE_definitive Alpha parameters
No. of points in hour. aver.
Flow Speed, km/s
Flow asimuth, deg.
Flow elevation, deg.
Density, N/cm^3
Temperature, K
sigma_Speed, km/s
sigma_asimuth, deg.
sigma_elevation, deg.
sigma_Density, N/cm^3
sigma_Temperature, K
3DP Proton parameters
No. of points in hour. aver.
Flow Speed, km/s
Flow asimuth, deg.
Flow elevation, deg.
Density, N/cm^3
Temperature, K
Density Alpha/Prot. ratio
sigma_Speed, km/s
sigma_ asimuth, deg.
sigma_elevation, deg.
sigma_Density, N/cm^3
sigma_Temperature, K
sigma_Density Alpha/Prot. ratio
3DP Alpha parameters
No. of points in hour. aver.
Flow Speed, km/s
Flow asimuth, deg.
Flow elevation, deg.
Density, N/cm^3
Temperature, K
sigma_Speed, km/s
sigma_ asimuth, deg.
sigma_elevation, deg.
sigma_Density, N/cm^3
sigma_Temperature, K

*Advanced plot selections (optional)

* To show two variables on one panel, please specify the number of variables( 1-2) in the table up:
and the same number in this select box:      

Y-axis Scale: Character size(0.5-2.0):
Plot Symbol: Symbol Size(0.1-4.0): Image size (pixels) X: Y:

If you have any questions/comments about the OMNWeb Plus, contact Dr. Natalia Papitashvili,Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Robert Candey (, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility