to select different options to produce plots, listings or output files.
Definitive WIND SWE 92-sec. Plasma Data, solar wind intervals only
This page provides access to definitive proton and alpha particle plasma parameters from the SWE experiment on the Wind spacecraft for solar wind intervals only. The Principal Investigator for SWE is Keith Ogilvie at GSFC, and the Co-I is Alan Lazarus of MIT. These data were reprocessed in 2012 and provided by Justin Kasper and Michael Louis Stevens at Harvard's Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Data details are available HERE.
For scatter plot click HERE.

December 2014: Wind Data Notice - Data between September 24 and November 30, 2014 were not included at this definitive data set because of instrumental problem

Time span of data set: 1995-01-01 - 2024-12-27

Please enter your selections and then click on the Submit button.

*Select an activity
    Plot data List data Create file (file?)

* Enter start and stop dates(Use yyyyddd or yyyymmdd)
    Start      Stop

*Select variables
Proton Fits Alpha-Particle Fits Proton Moments
V_fit, km/sec.
Unc. in V_fit,km/sec.
V_fit, km/sec.
Unc. in V_fit,km/sec.
V_mom, km/sec.
V_x_fit, GSE, km/sec.
Unc. in V_x_fit, km/sec.
V_x_fit, GSE, km/sec.
Unc. in V_x_fit, km/sec.
V_x_mom, GSE, km/sec.
V_y_fit, GSE, km/sec.
Unc. in V_y_fit, km/sec.
V_y_fit, GSE, km/sec.
Unc. in V_y_fit, km/sec.
V_y_mom, GSE, km/sec.
V_z_fit, GSE, km/sec.
Unc. in V_z_fit, km/sec.
V_z_fit, GSE, km/sec.
Unc. in V_z_fit, km/sec.
V_z_mom, GSE, km/sec.
V_thermal_fit_scalar, km/sec.
Unc. in V_thermal,km/sec.
V_thermal_fit_scalar, km/sec.
Unc. in V_thermal,km/sec.
V_thermal_mom_scalar, km/sec.
V_thermal_fit_perpendicular, km/sec.
Unc. in V_thermal_fit_per
V_thermal_fit_perpendicular, km/sec.
Unc. in V_thermal_fit_per
V_thermal_mom_perpendicular, km/sec.
V_thermal_fit_parallel, km/sec.
Unc. in V_thermal_fit_par
V_thermal_fit_parallel, km/sec.
Unc. in V_thermal_fit_par
V_thermal_mom_parallel, km/sec.
East-West flow angle, deg.,GSE
Unc in E/W flow angle
North-South flow angle, deg.
Unc in N/S flow angle
Density_fit, n/cc
Unc. in Density_fit
Density_fit, n/cc
Unc. in Density_fit
Density_mom, n/cc
CHISQ/DOF for fit                      

Magnetic field
Bx, GSE, nT
By, GSE, nT
Bz, GSE, nT
Angle dev. of B
Dev. of Bt
Position of Spacecraft
X-position, GSE, Re
Y-position, GSE, Re
Z-position, GSE, Re
Y-position, GSM, Re
Z-position, GSM, Re

*Advanced plot selections (optional)
Y-axis Scale: Character size(0.5-2.0):
Plot Symbol: Symbol Size(0.1-4.0): Image size (pixels) X: Y:

If you have any questions/comments about the OMNWeb Plus, contact Dr. Natalia Papitashvili,Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Robert Candey (Robert.M.Candey@nasa.gov), Head of the Space Physics Data Facility