Interface to produce plots, listings, output files for Parker Solar Probe(PSP)
This page provides the ability to plot or list (or create a file) of any
selection of the parameters listed below.
COHO hourly and daily PSP data were made using PSP high res data from from CDAWeb
1. The name of plasma data - 'PSP_SWP_SPC_L3I', parameters name -
Proton bulk velocity, from 1-dimensional Maxwellian fitting, in the [inertial] RTN frame (Only Good Quality)
[Total] proton density, from 1-dimensional Maxwellian fitting. (Only Good Quality)
Proton radial [most probable] thermal speed component, from 1-dimensional Maxwellian fitting. (Only Good Quality)
Note: Thermal speed was converted into Proton Temperature
2. The name mag data: 'PSP_FLD_L2_MAG_RTN_1MIN'
3. Trajectory data were taken from HelioWeb
If you have any questions/comments about OMNIWEB system, contact:
Dr. Natalia Papitashvili,
Space Physics Data Facility, Mail Code 672,
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
NASA Official: Robert Candey (, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility