Heliospheric Trajectory Book 3
Title Page
Preface (description of tables and figures)
List of Tables Pages
Table 1. Radial Distance, Heliographic Latitude, Ecliptic Longitude: Voyager 1,
Voyager 2, and Ulysses 3
Table 2. Galileo Radial Distance (AU) and Ecliptic Plane Earth-Sun-Probe Angle (ESP) 4
Table 3. Ulysses 1990/305-1999/091: Radial Distance (AU), Ecliptic Plane
Earth-Sun-Probe Angle (ESP), and True Earth-Sun-Probe Angle (TESP) 5
Table 4. Ulysses 1999/121-2007/213: Radial Distance (AU), Ecliptic Plane
Earth-Sun-Probe Angle (ESP), and True Earth-Sun-Probe Angle (TESP) 6
Table 5. Ulysses 2007/244-2015/335: Radial Distance (AU), Ecliptic Plane
Earth-Sun-Probe Angle (ESP), and True Earth-Sun-Probe Angle (TESP) 7
List of Figures
Figure 1. Voyager 1: 1 Oct 1977-1 Dec 2015
Voyager 2: 1 Sep 1977-1 Dec 2015 11
Heliographic Latitude and Radial Distance, AU.
Figure 2a. Ulysses: 1 Nov 1990-1 Nov 2003 12
Heliographic Latitude and Radial Distance, AU.
Figure 2b. Ulysses: 1 Nov 2002-1 Dec 2015 13
Heliographic Latitude and Radial Distance, AU.
Figure 3. Ulysses: 1990/11-1996/1 14
Radial Projection of Ulysses on the Visible and Invisible Solar Disk, Centered
on Earth-Sun Line.
Figure 4. Ulysses: 1996/1-2001/1 15
Radial Projection of Ulysses on the Visible and Invisible Solar Disk, Centered
on Earth-Sun Line.
Figure 5. Ulysses: 2001/1-2006/1 16
Radial Projection of Ulysses on the Visible and Invisible Solar Disk, Centered
on Earth-Sun Line.
Figure 6. Ulysses: 2006/1-2011/1 17
Radial Projection of Ulysses on the Visible and Invisible Solar Disk, Centered
on Earth-Sun Line.
Figure 7. Ulysses: 2011/1-2015/12 18
Radial Projection of Ulysses on the Visible and Invisible Solar Disk, Centered
on Earth-Sun Line.
Figure 8. Planned Trajectories of NEAR and Cassini Spacecraft 19
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