OMNIWeb Plus Browser
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Hourly Plasma Data from Apollo 15 ALSEP

Click here for data description.
Click here to get distributions, averages, std. deviations.
Click here to get scatter plots, linear regression fits.

Time span 1971-07-31 - 1972-06-30

*Select an activity
    Plot data List data Create file (file?)

*Enter start and stop dates (Use yyyyddd or yyyymmdd)
    Start      Stop

Select one or more subset(s):   Subset1      Subset2      Subset3      Subset4

*Select variables

Parameters Format
Number of spectra in subset I5
Proton Density cm-3 F7.1
Alpha to Proton Ratio F7.2
Proton Bulk Speed, Km/sec F8.1
Proton Thermal Velocity, Km/sec F7.1
Longitude of flow, deg. F7.1
Latitude of flow, deg. F7.1
RMS Proton Density cm-3 F6.1
RMS Alpha to Proton Ratio F7.2
RMS Proton Bulk Speed, Km/sec F8.2
RMS Proton Thermal Velocity, Km/sec F8.2
RMS Proton Flow azimuth, Positive East, SE F6.1
RMS Proton Flow elevation, Positive North, SE F6.1

*Advanced plot selections (optional)
Y-axis Scale:
Image size (pixels)X: Y: Character size(0.5-2.0)
Symbol Symbol Size(0.1-4.0):

If you have any questions/comments about the OMNIWeb+, contact: Dr. Natalia Papitashvili, Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Dr. Robert McGuire, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility .