OMNIWeb Plus Browser
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Hourly Plasma Data from Apollo 12&15 ALSEP

Time span 1971-07-31 - 1972-06-30

Click here for data description.
Click here for Distributions, averages, std. deviations .
Click here Scatter plots, linear regression fits.

Please enter your selections and then click on the Submit button.

*Select an activity
    Plot data List data Create file (file?)

*Enter start and stop dates (Use yyyyddd or yyyymmdd)
    Start      Stop

Select one or more spacecraft:   Apollo12      Apollo15     

Select one or more subset(s)   Subset1      Subset2      Subset3      Subset4

*Select variables

Parameters Format
Number of spectra in subset I5
Proton Density cm-3 F7.1
Alpha to Proton Ratio F7.2
Proton Bulk Speed, Km/sec F8.1
Proton Thermal Velocity, Km/sec F7.1
Longitude of flow, deg./td> F7.1
Latitude of flow, deg. F7.1
RMS Proton Density cm-3 F6.1
RMS Alpha to Proton Ratio F7.2
RMS Proton Bulk Speed, Km/sec F8.2
RMS Proton Thermal Velocity, Km/sec F8.2
RMS Proton Flow azimuth, Positive East, SE F6.1
RMS Proton Flow elevation, Positive North, SE F6.1

*Advanced plot selections (optional)
Y-axis Scale:
Image size (pixels)X: Y: Character size(0.5-2.0)
Symbol Symbol Size(0.1-4.0):

If you have any questions/comments about the OMNIWeb+, contact: Dr. Natalia Papitashvili, Mail Code 672, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771

NASA Official: Dr. Robert McGuire, Head of the Space Physics Data Facility .