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*  Select Spacecraft
AMPTE CCE (A1)  [1984-1986,1988]
AMPTE IRM (A2)  [1984 - 1986]
Explorer33 (E3)  [1966-1968]
Geotail (GE)  [1992-1994]
Hawkeye (HW)  [1974-1977]
HEOS2 (H2)  [1972-1973]
IMP1 (I1)  [1963-1964]
IMP2 (I2)  [1964]
IMP3 (I3)  [1965-1966]
IMP4 (I4)  [1967-1968]
IMP6 (I6)  [1971-1974]
IMP8 (I8)  [1973-75,1977-79]
ISEE (IS)  [1977-1979]
OGO-5 (O5)  [1968-1969]
Prognoz7 (P7)  [1978-1979]
Prognoz8 (P8)  [1981]
Prognoz10 (P1)  [1985]
*  Enter start and stop dates(Use yyyyddd or yyyymmdd)
  1    Start      Stop *  Select variables
[Use boxes on right to specify range for any parameter(s).]
    Name Format Comments Optional values:
Low           High
6Xgse F8.2 Spacecraft position Xgse
7Ygse F8.2 Spacecraft position Ygse
8Zgse F8.2 Spacecraft position Zgse
9Ygsm F8.2 Spacecraft position Ygsm
10Zgsm F8.2 Spacecraft position Zgsm
11|B| F6.1 Upstream magnitude Avg
(scalar) nT
12Bt F6.1 Upstream mag. field intensity
nT see footnote 2
13Bxgse F6.1 Xgse component of upstream
magnetic field vector
14Bygse F6.1 Ygse component of upstream
magnetic field vector
15Bzgse F6.1 Zgse component of upstream
magnetic field vector
16Bygsm F6.1 Ygsm component of upstream
magnetic field vector
17Bgzsm F6.1 Zgsm component of upstream
magnetic field vector
18Flow spd F7.1 Upstream flow speed, km/s
19Vxgse F7.1 -Xgse component of upstream
sw velocity, km/s see footnote 3
20Vygsem F7.1 -Ygse component of upstream
sw velocity, km/s, see footnote 3
21Vzgse F7.1 -Zgse component of upstream
sw velocity, km/s, see footnote 3
22Tempature F9.0 Upstream proton temperature
(deg K)
23Density F6.1 Upstream solar wind proton
density (cm**-3)
24FlPres F6.2 Upstream flow pressure, nPa
see footnote 4
25Ey F7.2 Ey - Electric Field, mV/m
see footnote 5
26Beta F8.2 Upstream plasma beta
see footnote 6
27Alfvnspd F7.1 Upstream Alfven speed, km/s
see footnote 7
28Soundspd F7.1 Upstream sound speed, km/s
see footnote 8
29M'sonspd F7.1 Upstream magnetosonic speed
km/s, see footnote 9
30Ma F6.1 Upstream Alfven Mach number,
(wd 18)/(wd 27)
31Ms F5.1 Upstream sonic Mach number
(wd 18)/(wd 28)
32Mms F5.1 Upstream magnetosonic Mach
number, (wd 18)/(wd 29)
33IMFcone I4 IMF cone angle, deg
see footnote 10
34IMFclck I4 IMF clock angle, deg
see footnote 11
35Kp*10 Index I3 3-hr Kp index
from NGDC
36R I4 Daily Sunspot Number
from NGDC
37Dst Index I6 Hourly Dst-index, nT
from NGDC
provisional when?
38AE Index I3 Hourly AE-index, nT,
provisional when?
39Provider code I3 Provider code

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Magnetopause Database

We have put together a web-accessible database of magnetopause crossings from a set of satellites provided by researchers to facilitate statistical studies and cross-comparisons between satellites.
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FTP Access to underlying ASCII files

Output from this interface is one line per magnetopause crossing containing parameters selected in the left-most boxes below and with parameters satisfying any user-specified ranges on the right side. Output will be sorted first by spacecraft and then by time, unless the user specifies an alternative sorting below. Time tagging is addressed in footnote 1.
Words 1-10 characterize the time and location of a magnetopause crossing. Words 11-34 characterize the state of the solar wind for the hour in which the crossing occurred; they are taken or computed from the hourly resolution OMNI data base. Words 35-38 are geomagnetic and solar activity indices. Word 39 is provider code
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